this was the only reference point that i had . この学校の事件しか 比較できるものがなかった
there is just one reference point , which is the body . ただひとつの基準点は身体です
how can you have this reference point , this stability 「日々 自己の連続性を維持するために
as i had no reference point for my body 身体に基準点を持たなかった私は―
and that , to me , was a reference point that i think i needed to have そして それが私にとっては作品を作る上で
on hand as a reference point 比較対照とし
in christianity , the vernal equinox is used as a reference point when calculating the date of easter . キリスト教で復活祭の日付を算出するには、春分を基点としている。
although paying attention to changes in political power is not always considered to be as suitable as it is for history , it is often used as a reference point . 歴史学のように政権の移動に注目することが必ずしもふさわしいとは考えられないが、目安にされることが多い。
well , that is a 6foot wall , and using that as a reference point and accounting for camera angle and distance , we can estimate that this person is 5'8 and 150 pounds , which makes the odds of this being a female この壁は183cmあります それを元にして カメラのアングルと距離を 計算に入れると
an indicator that orients you generally; "it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved" Synonyms: point of reference, reference,